Sexual immorality can affect anyone, regardless of how strong a Christian they are, how old they are, what ministry they are involved in, or how much they know the Bible. It doesn’t matter whether someone is a newly born-again Christian or has been a Christian for 50 years; everyone is susceptible to falling into the sin of sexual immorality. When someone becomes a born-again Christian, they enter into spiritual warfare. With the Holy Spirit now dwelling in them, they fight against their sinful nature. As Paul says in Galatians 5:16-18, the sinful nature is against the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Spirit is against the sinful nature. This is why Paul advises us to walk in the Spirit.
Didn't Steve Lawson know about the sin of sexual immorality and its consequences? Of course, he did. But how often do Christians think we can protect ourselves through our power, knowledge, and wisdom? When we rely on what we have for security, we risk falling into sin. This is why we need God's Word, grace, and protection daily.
We should flee from the sin of sexual immorality.
In the Bible, we see examples of strong men who fell into sexual immorality. In Judges 16:1-3, the strong Judge Samson was caught in sexual immorality. Similarly, in 2 Samuel 11:1-4, King David, a man devoted to God, fell into sexual sin. Even the wise King Solomon, in 1 Kings 11:1-3, succumbed to this sin. However, Joseph provides a positive example in Genesis 39:7-12 when he fled from the sin of sexual immorality. Paul echoes this advice in 1 Corinthians 6:18-20, urging us to flee from sexual immorality. It is wise to distance ourselves from situations that may lead to such sin.
In the Bible, we see examples of strong men who fell into sexual immorality. In Judges 16:1-3, the strong Judge Samson was caught in sexual immorality. Similarly, in 2 Samuel 11:1-4, King David, a man devoted to God, fell into sexual sin. Even the wise King Solomon, in 1 Kings 11:1-3, succumbed to this sin. However, Joseph provides a positive example in Genesis 39:7-12 when he fled from the sin of sexual immorality. Paul echoes this advice in 1 Corinthians 6:18-20, urging us to flee from sexual immorality. It is wise to distance ourselves from situations that may lead to such sin.
Keep yourself away from things that lead to the sin of sexual immorality.
Today, almost everyone uses social media, and smartphones are widespread. While social media contains both good and bad content, obscene images, videos, and other inappropriate material can appear suddenly in our news feeds or be sent by unknown people. Such things can easily lead us astray, so it is wise to avoid them. For those who are married, spouses can protect each other from falling into the sin of sexual immorality. Proverbs 5:1-8 advises us to avoid situations that may lead us into temptation and to stay far away from them.
The effects of sexual immorality are not only spiritual but also moral and social. Therefore, it is wise to distance ourselves from this kind of sin or flee from it altogether.